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By sa from japan, SC
Posted Sep 19, 2009
Are you a slave to Japan! What is American slavery in Japan!
Companies increase in Asia, and the American company is destroyed. The Japanese U.S. forces let Asia prosper, and U.S.A. becomes poverty / the slave country. The U.S. forces are in Japan they let Asia prosper, and to make U.S.A. the beggar country.
If my this email reaches you, you please transmit an email of the receipt to me.
I transmit this email to the various countries in the world 1,000 on one day. As for you of the transmission of a message of this email please cooperate.
If a company is established by the foreign country, Japan and U.S.A. cannot give up a foreign company because of an electric wave. Japan and U.S.A. attacked it by an electric wave not to be able to establish a company. War is early to collapse a company / a country. Like the peace and order police to maintain, do not put U.S. forces in Japan not to occur by war in Asia! U.S.A. easily has the territory in each Asian country by americans radio weapon after having destroyed an Asian company by the war of Asian countries.
Please withdraw U.S. forces early from Japan. If U.S.A. withdraws, I am terrible, and I anger Russia / Korea / China / others and let Russia attack Japan. I generate the Asian Great War. "Japan collapses in the radio weapon which I invented in the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union is small, is not Russia regrettable even if Russian?" Is Russia an insect mole cricket? I am terrible, and I blame Russia / Korea / China / others with "and let you launch an all-out attack on Japan. Almost the past, U.S.A. becomes rich if I do so it. I am terrible, and you make a fool of Russia / Korea / China / others and attack Japan.
Japan and U.S.A. did secret war (a crime) in a radio weapon one-sidedly in the various countries in the world. And Japan and U.S.A. became the industrial country of the first place world. Japan and U.S.A. destroyed foreign economy. The Japanese radio weapon is powerless. Your country must retaliate for Japan and U.S.A. The company where is higher than Japanese and american half is a thing of your country. All the Japanese and American companies are things of various countries in the world. The world must retaliate for Japan and U.S.A. till a company disappears from Japan and U.S.A. May you forgive the long secret war that Japan and U.S.A. used a radio weapon for? It does not need the weapon to collapse in Japan and U.S.A. Do not buy a product and a car (Toyota·Nissan·Honda·Suzuki·Mitsubishi·Ford·GM·U.S.A.car)·Electricity(National · Matsushita· Hitachi · SANYO · NEC · Sony · PIONIEER · SHARP · Victor · others)produced in Japan and U.S.A.! If you teach all your nations it in email and telephone and others, Japan and U.S.A. fall by all means.
And the companies of your country increase.
If an American base leaves Japan, war occurs in Asia. It is war, and the Asian industry is destroyed, and the American industry prospers.
Because the American base does not generate war in Asia, the U.S. forces become a slave keeping Asian industry. And the Asian industry continued developing, and the American industry was destroyed. The American base is a slave keeping Asian industry. The war does not happen in Asia till U.S. forces leave Japan, and the Asian industry continues developing, and U.S.A. starves from now on.
It will not generate war in Asia that U.S. forces are in Japan. And the Asian companies increase, and the American company is destroyed. It is U.S. forces go out of Japan, and to die so that U.S.A. becomes rich almost the past.
It maintains the Asian war misfire student peace and order that U.S. forces are in Japan. Asian enterprises of the thing will increase in a maximum. And the U.S. forces think if they are terrible if the U.S. forces which are in Japan become rich and are happy even if the American nation becomes same as a beggar. Because secret, it is possible even if the American nation starves in the U.S. forces which are in Japan, the U.S. forces think if the U.S. forces are very happy. It occurred for the self-interest of the U.S. forces which were in Japan that an American company went bankrupt. If U.S. forces go out of Japan, the Asian company is destroyed by war, and U.S.A. becomes rich.
It is in lobsters anything, and the whale grows. Only Japan caught whales and exterminated the whales from the world. As for several hundred years, you keep the whaling prohibition of fishing and must make the world sea whale richness. The whale can eat directly.
Anyway, you must retaliate against Japan and U.S.A. till it is it in the company of your country in Japan and the American company which You got by secret war till come to it-rich with a whale the again world sea.
Please translate this email into your national language, and let You show all nations of your country it and cooperate. If possible in the foreign country of the email please cooperate.
In the Japanese Government, the email to the foreign country is blocked to hide a Japanese evil deed. I establish free mail (yahoo / goo / excite / infoseek / hot), and the email to the foreign country is prevented with several times. Please send this email to Americans address below from your country.
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